



我真的太喜欢这个大狮子头了,今天比上次舞的更好父母从伦敦驱车两小时赶来参加本次活动的六岁的Jack已经是CEDP的“老朋友”了。在六月初的活动中Jack第一次接触舞狮就深深的爱上了,这一次他舞狮的技巧明显有了进步。现场CEDP中国中心志愿者和工作人员为大家介绍了本次活动的菜品,有符合外国口味的面包;有热热腾腾刚出锅的辣椒牛肉地道的葱油拌面,同时还为素食主义者准备了酸辣土豆丝。除了美味可口的饭菜,中国茶也必不可少。现场志愿者们为大家分发菜品,倒上一杯杯中国特色的功夫茶。 一首静夜思带我入梦乡现场CEDP中文音乐老师ADAM向到场人员演唱传统歌曲《静夜思》,并现场带领大家合唱,来自萨塞克斯大学的中国留学生们感受到了家乡的爱意和柔情。

本次活动向英国当地社区介绍健康养生的中国食品的做法和体验,邀请社区居民参与体验中国传统饮食文化,推广中国简单、节俭、美味的饮食文化;团聚海外学者学生及社会人士,共同分享快乐,增强民族自豪感和凝聚力,缓解思乡情绪,增强归属感。为海外人士、华裔同胞、本地居民提供互相认识、交流和学习的机会,建立中英跨文化交流和发展的平台。作为BMECP foodbank 的一部分, CEDP 还为有需要的家庭提供了很多免费食品,在各种1-2-1 和小组的讨论中谈及播种疫苗的重要性,如果遇到种歧视如何应对, 以及生命传承和器官捐赠的重要性。在此,特别感谢长期以来支持我们的伙伴Sussex community foundation,  Brighton and Hove city council, NHS organ Donation




 “A Song for a Quiet Night’s Sleep”

Friday Tasting Chinese Food Series Continues Excitingly


On 20 August at 7pm, a food helper event sponsored and executed by CEDP China Centre, an initiative of BMECP, was held in Brighton. Thirty-six people from different cultural background were on hand to experience traditional Chinese flavors.

“I really enjoyed the big lion’s head so much, and it was a better dance today than last time.” Jack a 6 year old boy, who’s parents drove two hours from London to attend the event, is an old friend of CEDP. Jack fell in love with the lion dance when he first encountered it at the event in early June, and his skills have clearly improved this time. Mr Lu Hong, Head of CEDP China Centre, introduced the menu for the event, which included bread for foreign tastes, hot and freshly cooked beef with chilli, authentic mixed noodles with spring onion and spicy and sour shredded potatoes for vegetarians. In addition to the delicious meals, Chinese tea was also a must. The volunteers on site to distribute the dishes and pour cups of Kung Fu tea with Chinese characteristics. The Chinese students from the University of Sussex felt the love and tenderness of their hometown as they sang the traditional song “Silent Night Thoughts” by the head of music from CEDP Chinese Centre ADAMDavis.

The event introduced the practice and experience of healthy and nourishing Chinese food to the local community in the UK, invited the community to participate in experiencing traditional Chinese food culture, promoted the simple, frugal and delicious Chinese food culture; reunited internationalstudents/scholars and community members to share the joy together, enhanced national pride and cohesion, relieved homesickness and strengthened the sense of belonging. To provide opportunities for overseas people, Chinese compatriots and local residents to meet, exchange and learn from each other, and to establish a platform for cross-cultural exchange and development between China and the UK. As part of the BMECP foodbank, CEDP also provided a lot of free food to families in need and talked about the importance of vaccination, how to cope if you encounter racial discrimination, and the importance of life legacy and organ donation in various 1-2-1 and group discussions. A special thank you to our long-term supporters Sussex community foundation, Brighton and Hove city council, NHS organ Donation.